Winning the $50B Army MAPS Contract
What is the Army MAPS Contract? The Army Marketplace for the Acquisition of Professional Services (MAPS) is a new hybrid self-scoring contract initiative led by the [...]
GSA’s COMET II is Growing Brighter
GSA's COMET II (CIO Modernization and Enterprise Transformation) program is a multiple-award Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) focused on IT modernization, transformation, and operations/maintenance for the General [...]
Winning a CENTCOM CHIPS Contract: Key Steps and Insights
US Central Command (CENTCOM) has developed requirements for a wide variety of professional services under the rubric of the CENTCOM Headquarters Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) [...]
Your Next Stay May Be at the RMADA 3 – Winning a $5B RMADA 3 Contract
Background: The Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) program is a contract vehicle used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to support [...]
Winning a TSA Screening Partnership Program (SPP) Contract
The Screening Partnership Program (SPP) is administered by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and allows commercial airports in the United States to use private security companies for [...]
Winning the Army’s $10B New Modern Software Development (NMSD) Contract
The New Modern Software Development contract is a new software development support services contract with a ceiling value of $1 billion over 10 years. Background: You’re still [...]