Both DRFPs clearly state that the GSA Procuring Contracting Officers recommend that: “potential offerors DO NOT significantly invest their company resources, specifically ‘B&P Dollars,’ into developing proposals in response to this DRFP because (1) that is not the purpose of a DRFP, and (2) changes to this draft solicitation/contract are highly probable before the official RFP is released.” OCI agrees with that recommendation, where you should be investing your resources is in positioning your company to win an Alliant 2 contract. This is something we can help you with.
In addition to comprehensive DRFPs, including Section L, GSA has provided extensive documentation which you can use to help in planning a winning proposal. GSA has provided past performance templates and rating forms that you can use to make the right decision in choosing past performance to be used in the final proposal. They also included a document verification and self-scoring worksheet for your use in ensuring you have the proper documentation available when the final RFP is released and you are ready to produce the proposal. A draft of labor categories and rate ranges has also been provided.
This is the time in your capture process when you should be performing a “Gap Analysis”. Analyse all of the requirements and make a determination of where you meet those requirements and where you have a gap. If you find you cannot meet the requirements of a prime contractor, consider teaming. Don’t wait until the final RFP is released as it may then be too late.
Since unrestricted primes will be required to subcontract 50% of their work to small businesses, the small business share of the unrestricted contract will be significant; decide if you are going to prime or get on a team you believe will win. There are also opportunities for non-small businesses to provide unique capabilities to primes lacking some technical requirements.
If you don’t have a capture manager assigned, do so as soon as possible. If you are having a problem finding one, OCI can help. With several months before the final RFP is released there is still time for you to correct deficiencies so that you are ready when the proposal writing begins.
Past article on Alliant 2 can be seen here:
If you would like to discuss Alliant 2, call 703-689-9600 and ask for John Cook.
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