Government Proposal Consultants

How Bad Does the COVID-19 Affect the Federal Market?

This year started with expectation that we would see the fastest market for Federal contractors in 10 years.  Higher addressable spend.  No shutdown. And widely shared optimism. Then came the Coronavirus and its fellow traveler, the recession.  Does this double whammy doom us to a retrograde year?  Or is the market more like [...]

By |2020-03-24T08:16:07+00:00March 24, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Ten Important Steps for FEDSIM Orals Bids – Part 2

Karl Leatham Getting the slide preparation process right is a huge step in winning a FEDSIM competition.  I have used the following slide development strategy numerous times in FEDSIM and other oral efforts.  It offers discrete, logical steps that begin with analysis of the slide requirements and end with the completed presentation. [...]

By |2020-03-17T17:39:56+00:00March 17, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Insight into Winning a $12B SITE III Contract IDIQ

With 50 or more awards expected, the SITE III RFP is expected to be released this month – March. Site III is the follow-on to eSITE and also combines the former Application Development and Sustainment Support (ADS2) contract. Solicitation documents from February 2020, and the updated Q+A from March 3, are online.  The [...]

OCI – Supporting Education Program in Uganda

OCI has had the privilege of helping to educate children in Africa for nearly 10 years.  We believe it is our duty to help others when we can.  Support is provided through the Children’s AIDS Fund (CAF), a Non-Government Organization (NGO). Without assistance, these children would not be able to go to [...]

By |2020-02-27T08:37:07+00:00February 27, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Much More Winnable: $900M USAF Strategic Transformation Support (AFSTS) IDIQ Contract

Tom Hodges With the shift from one incumbent to 10 winners, the odds of winning the $900M AFSTS recompete increased exponentially.  But the real value of this contract stems from its high importance and senior command access within the Air Force. Program Details – Skip to Competitive Strategies section if desired The [...]

By |2020-02-27T08:19:28+00:00February 27, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

DoD Contractors Must Soon Have Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

DoD has nearly completed a critical new standard, called the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). This will be required on new DoD contracts starting the summer 2020. Currently, Defense Acquisition Regulations (DFARs) let contractors self-certify that they comply with required computer security safeguards.  However, the new CMMC will require Contractors to obtain [...]

By |2020-02-17T19:03:37+00:00February 17, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Gio Van Remortel joins OCI as Vice President of Sales

Gio Van Remortel has joined OCI as Vice President of Sales.  She is a senior sales person with 20 years’ experience working for government contractors, global corporations, and government agencies. She began her career as a Future/trend analyst consulting to leading international corporations and federal agencies. For the last decade, Ms. Van [...]

By |2020-01-30T05:45:06+00:00January 30, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Developing Orals for FEDSIM Bids – Part 1

Karl Leatham Note: The author is a master orals coach with extensive FedSim experience. A Short History of FEDSIM Orals –FEDSIM was an early pioneer and remains a consistent user of oral presentations in procurements it supports. Historically, the technical volume in FEDSIM procurements has been submitted via orals, and the structure of [...]

By |2020-01-15T13:38:10+00:00January 15, 2020|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Faster Start of 2020 Business for Contractors– $1.4T Appropriations

The entire industry breathed a sigh of relief when the $1.4 trillion FY 2020 appropriations passed on December 20.  Just a week previous, many with deep insight felt it would be impossible for congress to complete work on time, possibly forcing a second shutdown. Net net, we have a huge whopping budget [...]

By |2019-12-30T11:18:33+00:00December 30, 2019|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments
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