Government Proposal Consultants

DTIC Program – Applying the Brains to the Battles

The Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), has a sizable brain power requirement for its DoD Information Analysis Centers (IAC). It’s calling upon contractors to provide it. And there is no telling what great stuff the geniuses put to work under this effort will come up with. Two separate RFI’s [...]

By |2017-06-26T11:51:35+00:00June 26, 2017|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Winning the $1B USPTO Software Development and Integration Next Generation 2 Contract (SDI-NG2)

As guardian of the nation’s intellectual property, the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) plays a key role in fostering America’s commercial vitality. The USPTO oversees the entire US patent operation; acting as the economy’s immune system, it prevents pirated products and processes from undermining the innovations and inventions that make America [...]

By |2017-06-22T13:00:46+00:00June 22, 2017|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Upcoming Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Updates

FATHER OF THE IT/TELECOM AGE – Claude E. Shannon, an electrical engineer and mathematician worked for the US military on anti-aircraft targeting and cryptography during WWII. He later laid the theoretical foundations for modern telecom. When high-octane brain power is unleashed on complex military problems, there’s no telling what where [...]

By |2017-06-01T08:11:49+00:00June 1, 2017|Government Proposal Consultants|1 Comment

Winning SIA III: Insight

Military Officials and Government Officials Are Adapting to High Tech World – Fast, Fast, Fast… But -- Fast Enough? The RFP for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Solution for Intelligence Analysis (SIA) III contract is expected to drop any day now. An RFI and an Industry Day are planned for this effort, [...]

By |2017-05-26T09:48:16+00:00May 26, 2017|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

The Ugly Truth: LPTA Found Alive and Well

During the past six years, most industry and Government leaders have joined in lamenting the use of lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) contracting. However, a recent survey completed by the Washington Technology (WashTech) journal has shown that this practice is still widely used. In this article I discuss the findings presented in [...]

By |2017-05-23T09:49:21+00:00May 23, 2017|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments


The America First Budget has been issued. This “blueprint to make America great again” contains no big surprises. What it does is underscore though, vigorously and clearly, is a thoroughgoing commitment to winning. We should all be standing taller. America loves winners and hates losers, after all. It’s deeply rooted in the [...]

By |2017-05-11T15:39:02+00:00May 11, 2017|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments
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