Government Proposal Consultants

MQS2-NG Contract: How to Prepare a Winning Response

The Defense Health Agency has a continuing requirement for Medical Q Coded Support and Services Next Generation (MQS2-NG). This upcoming contract is to predominately help staff DOD medical and dental facilities. Additionally, the contractor shall provide professional medical (clinical) services such as ancillary, dental, physicians, and nurses. The Small Business size standard [...]

By |2022-04-22T15:48:14+00:00April 22, 2022|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Full Year Appropriations Finally Enacted!  When Will Proposal Activity Take Off?

The current Federal fiscal year started on October 1, 2021. Four continuing resolutions (CR) and five and a half months into the fiscal year -- on March 15, 2022 -- the President finally signed into law the full-year appropriations for all federal agencies for the current fiscal year, running through September 30, [...]

By |2022-03-22T13:57:48+00:00March 22, 2022|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Win Theme Development Must Do’s

The Win theme development process is critical to a strong proposal. Without great win themes, we would all be doomed to failure. Here is a primer on win themes.  And even SENIOR personnel will probably find ideas below they had not thought of. “I don’t know who you are. I don’t know [...]

By |2022-03-11T09:46:01+00:00March 3, 2022|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

$800M Army AEWD RFP Program – Nearing Release

The delayed RFP for Army’s Advanced Expeditionary Warfare Development (AEWD, also known as ARL IV) solicitation is nearing its anticipated release date. Army’s Advanced Expeditionary Warfare Development Scope of Work The work scope is in response to requirements from the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC/DEVCOM), Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The place of [...]

By |2021-12-13T17:43:08+00:00December 9, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants|1 Comment

PODCAST: Are You Ready to EVOLVE with an $8 Billion State Department Contract?

In this episode of the Secret Code to Government Proposal Success podcast series, Ken Blair, President of Blair Associates, provides an early look at the U.S. State Department draft solicitation for the $8 billion EVOLVE contract for IT platforms and support services. On October 25th, the U.S. Department of State made some [...]

By |2021-12-02T14:49:05+00:00December 1, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants, Podcast|0 Comments

Contract Spotlight: EVOLVE DoS RFP

EVOLVE DoS RFP: An Opportunity to EVOLVE The Department of State (DoS) is committed to finding vendors capable of assisting them in meeting the continuing requirements for a secure network infrastructure with an acquisition and the award of a multiple award IDIQ contract to replace the current Vanguard 2.2.1 and to increase [...]

By |2021-12-02T18:26:43+00:00November 30, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Proposal Kickoff Meetings That Put You on the Path to Win

Proposal Kickoff (KO) Meetings – set objectives that deliver quality proposals, avoid B&P overruns, and avoid meat grinder work environments. This means formally transitioning from your Capture/Program Operations activity to your Proposal activity through a clearly defined and delivered KO meeting, where the end result should be a cohesive team, following a [...]

By |2021-11-23T20:00:45+00:00November 23, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

CAPS RFP: US Army’s DAGRS Recompete

CAPS RFP:  Are you prepared for the US Army’s DAGRS recompete? - - “Dressed for the Prom” as Contingency Applications Program Support (CAPS)? What’s the Opportunity for this go-around? The FY 2022 release of CAPS RFP increases the Estimated Value to $ 500M - $750M (previous award was $480M).  For this IDIQ [...]

By |2021-11-23T09:53:48+00:00November 12, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

Washington Technology: Break Barriers Between Marketing, BD, Capture and Proposal Groups to Maximize Your Profits

Russell Smith, President of OCI Proposal Consultants, recently presented at the 2021 APMP Bid and Proposal Conference (BPC) on the topic of how to maximize profits by breaking down the barriers between marketing, business development (BD), capture, and proposal groups. As a follow-on to the conference, Russell authored a guest article in [...]

By |2021-11-09T16:50:47+00:00November 9, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments

OCI Team Highlights

It’s been a busy Fall season for the OCI team. Here are some team highlights we’d like to share with you! APMP Bid and Proposal Conference (BPC) OCI was an exhibitor at the BPC in Denver (Oct. 10 – 13).  Representing OCI were president Russell Smith and sales executives Scott Schneider and [...]

By |2021-10-28T21:13:23+00:00October 28, 2021|Government Proposal Consultants|0 Comments
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